
„Legal English – Niezbędnik przyszłego prawnika”

The book „Legal English – niezbędnik przyszłego prawnika” is an outcome of the project Designing and implementing Legal English curriculum with application of innovative educational materials” which was launched in 2009 at the Faculty of Law, at the University of Bialystok and co-financed by the European Union within the framework of the European Social Fund (EFS). The project aimed at designing Legal English curriculum at the B1/B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and developing a coursebook for legal professionals that could be exploited at law faculties.

This coursebook is aimed at the group of the first and second year law students who are communicative in terms of General English but lack language competence in specialism, here in Legal English. It focuses on Legal English not on teaching the Polish law in English itself so even people who are not familiar with legal aspects can use and benefit from it.

The book comprises 23 chapters, 22 of which refer to particular fields of law. Chapter 23 “Cases to Discuss” includes 9 controversial cases to discuss that can be used if there is some spare time. The course book is equipped with a CD and the glossary. The coursebook also aims to provide a useful support for Legal English teachers as the number of teaching resources on Legal English in Poland was and still is limited and none of them relate to the Polish system of law. As a part of the project all libraries at all law faculties in Poland (both at state and private universities) received a significant number of free copies of the coursebook to facilitate the process of teaching and learning Legal English at law faculties in Poland.

We are pleased to announce that the „Legal English – niezbędnik przyszłego prawnika” was awarded the European Language Label. The European Language Label is awarded to local, regional, and national projects that have found creative ways to improve the quality of language teaching, motivate students, make the best use of available resources to diversify the languages on offer, and other innovative initiatives. The awards committee consists of representatives of: Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Foundation for the Development of the Education System, scholars, members of institutions responsible for language teaching and members of foreign cultural institutions.

The certificate, signed by EU Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth as well as Polish Ministry of Education, is awarded for innovative teaching techniques and methodological achievements.





 European Language Label 2013



Dr hab. Agnieszka Malarewicz-Jakubów, prof. UwB Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Bialystok, and dr Halina Sierocka, the Head of Bialystok Legal English Centre, the Faculty of Law, University of Bialystok with the award (photo: Krzysztof Kuczyk)”.


„Curriculum Development for Legal English Programs”

This book provides a systematic introduction to the issues involved in designing and implementing courses of English for legal purposes. Each chapter highlights a different aspect of the curriculum development process, including syllabus design with the special role of needs analysis, materials development and the question of assessing and testing languages for special purposes. In addition, the book endeavours to provide a brief outline of key concepts in methodology of English for Specific Purposes, in the context of Legal English in particular. Factors such as the specificity of legal discourse, the roles of ESP teachers, subject-knowledge dilemma, cooperative teaching or language issues are taken into account. The book concludes with a model syllabus for a course of English for Legal Purposes developed by the author as the outcome of a three-year action research programme conducted at the Faculty of Law at the University of Bialystok, Poland.

The book is intended to be informative and reader-friendly, and to serve as a resource and reference book for anybody involved and interested in teaching or researching into English for Legal Purposes.






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