Legal Centre for Research on Education


Legal Centre for Research on Education is a scientific center created on the basis of the Resolution No. 2191 of the Senate of the University of Bialystok and Regulation No. 6 of the Rector of the University of Bialystok in January 31, 2018, which entered into force in March 1, 2018.

LCRE's tasks include, among others: conducting, supporting and coordinating interdisciplinary scientific research in the field of education, in particular in the areas of: the right to education, the education system, disciplinary procedures in education, discrimination and equal treatment in education, privacy and personal data protection and access to information in education, teaching autonomy and school autonomy, judicial control of disputes in education. In addition, the tasks of the Center include initiating and coordinating the University's participation in research programs and consortia at national and international level, organizing conferences, seminars, research internships and summer schools, cooperation with universities and research institutes, as well as with state bodies, private sector entities and organizations NGOs in the country and abroad in the areas mentioned above. The Center may also prepare expert opinions for the needs of interested entities and carry out publishing and popularizing activities in this field.

dr hab. Izabela Kraśnicka, prof. UwB - Director of the Centre (

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