Great success of the Faculty of Law in the evaluation of the quality of scientific activity!

Grafika dotycząca uzyskania oceny A+ w ewaluacji. Z lewej strony napis "Category A+.Great success of the Faculty of Law in the evaluation of the quality of scientific activity!"

Great success of the Faculty of Law in the evaluation of the quality of scientific activity!

It is with great satisfaction that I inform you that the Faculty of Law has received the highest grade in the evaluation of the quality of scientific activity - category A+. This excellent result places us among the top scientific units in the country.

I extend my thanks to all the employees of the Law Faculty who have worked hard for this success. First-class cooperation and mutual support have resulted in obtaining the highest scientific category.

The A+ category is gratifying and obliges us to continue our efforts. I can proudly say that this evaluation of the quality of scientific activity, in addition to the Certificate of Excellence in Education awarded earlier by the Polish Accreditation Commission, testifies to the excellent, nationally distinguished position of the Faculty of Law at the University of Bialystok.

Once again, I extend a profound thank you, appreciation and congratulations to everyone!


Prof. dr hab. Mariusz Popławski

Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Bialystok


Evaluation is an assessment of the quality of scientific activity, which is carried out within the disciplines practiced at a given entity. The evaluation takes into account the individual achievements of employees representing a particular discipline. The scientific category A+ is the highest possible. A given discipline within a university or other higher education entity may, as a result of such a compilation, receive one of the categories: A+, A, B+, B or the lowest - C.

The category awarded by the decision of the Minister of Education and Science determines the prestige of a given university, its position in the system of Polish higher education and its rights (including the right to confer degrees).

The evaluation is carried out under three criteria:

Criterion I - the scientific or artistic level of the academic activity carried out, based on the evaluation of scientific publications by the employees of a given unit and patents.

Criterion II - financial effects of scientific research and development work evaluated on the basis of the amount of funds obtained for research projects under various competitions. This criterion also takes into account the commercialization of the results of research or development work, as well as scientific work carried out on contract with entities outside the higher education and science sector.

Criterion III - the impact of scientific activity on the functioning of society and the economy evaluated on the basis of descriptions proving the relationship between research and the functioning of the administration, health care, culture, etc.

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