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Wykład Profesora Omera Shapira

Wykład Profesora Omera Shapira
Data: 31.05.2023
Miejsce wydarzenia: Wydział Prawa UwB
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Profesor Omer Shapira jest doświadczonym wykładowcą na Wydziale Prawa w Ono Academic College w Izraelu i mediatorem. Przyjeżdża aby wygłosić wykład w języku angielskim nt. Regulacji prawnych w zakresie mediacji w Izraelu, na który zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych studentów w dniu 31 maja 2023 r. w godzinach 17.00-18.00.

Na wykład należy zapisać się poprzez formularz do dnia 28 maja 2023 r.

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Omer Shapira is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, Ono Academic College, Israel, and a mediator. He holds a Ph.D. In Philosophy from Bar-Ilan University, LL.M (Magna Cum Laude) from Tel Aviv University, and LL.B (First Class Honors Degree) from the University of Manchester, England. He teaches courses and seminars on ADR, mediation ethics, jurisprudence, and European Union Law.

Shapira is the editor and contributing author of Mediation Ethics: A Practitioners’ Guide (American Bar Association Publishing, 2021), co-editor and contributing author of Mediation Ethics: Codes of Ethics and Dealing with Dilemmas (The Hebrew University Magnes Press, 2018) (Heb), and author of A Theory of Mediators’ Ethics: Foundations, Rationale, and Application (Cambridge University Press, 2016), Use of Power and Influence in Mediation: Practice and Applied Ethics (Ono Academic College Press, 2007) (Heb), and Jurisprudence: Introductory Chapters (Bursi Press & Ono Academic College Press, 2007) (Heb). His works on mediation ethics on topics such as the Model Standards of Conduct for Mediators (2005), Decision-Making in Mediation, Fairness in Mediation, and Mediators’ Sources of Power and Influence Tactics, have been published in American and Israeli-refereed journals and can be viewed here.

Shapira served as a Member of the Advisory Committee to the Israeli Minister of Justice on matters relating to court-connected mediation and the courts’ list of mediators (2018-2023), and is the chair of International Mediation Institute (IMI) Ethics Committee and Mediator Ethics Committee (Israel) that receives ethical inquiries from practitioners and drafts reasoned ethical opinions that are informed by the theoretical work in which he engages.

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