Annual Center Review (ACR) is a journal published yearly by the International Center of Public Finance and Tax Law Research and the Faculty of Law University of Bialystok.

It has been issued since 2008 in English, with the possibility to also publish in Russian. First four issues had more of organizational and album character, presenting the activity of the “Center” and documenting its yearly conferences. Since 2012 the journal has become scientific and has been popularizing current problems of financial and tax law of the Central and Eastern European Countries as well as the achievements of young scientists from this part of Europe.

All text published in ACR are reviewed. Every issue includes not only research article but also reports from previous year conferences and seminars organized by student research groups and in this way promotes research activity of students and doctoral students as well as the initiatives of the Faculty of Law University of Bialystok regarding international cooperation among Central and Eastern European Countries.

Authors are not charged for publications.

Authors transfer copyrights to the International Center of Public Finance and Tax Law Research and the Faculty of Law University of Bialystok in all fields of exploitation.

ACR is open access, with all articles available for free to the users. The users may read, download, copy, spread, print and scan full version of every article as well as make references without the consent of the publisher or the Author.

The printed version of the journal is primary one.

Annual Center Review is indexed in the University of Bialystok Repository.

ISSN 1899-5942

DOI 10.15290/acr

Publisher: International Center of Public Finance and Tax Law Research and the Faculty of Law University of Bialystok.

Pliki do pobrania
1-6232f15ad607c.pdf 71.72KB [ .pdf ]
1. Editorial Board
2-6232f1add3cfb.pdf 78.27KB [ .pdf ]
2. Scientific Council
3-6232f1f6d3a97.pdf 383.50KB [ .pdf ]
3. Rules for articles review
4-6232f2414497b.pdf 75.50KB [ .pdf ]
4. The List of Reviewers
5-6232f2893173b.pdf 427.57KB [ .pdf ]
5. Ghostwiriting and guest authorship barriers
6.pdf 365.69KB [ .pdf ]
6. Guidelines for Authors
7.pdf 426.08KB [ .pdf ]
7. ACR review form
8.pdf 631.99KB [ .pdf ]
8. Copyright statement
acr-14-no.pdf 848.57KB [ .pdf ]
ACR 14 no. 7
acr-15-no.pdf 1.70MB [ .pdf ]
ACR 15 no. 8
acr-16-no.pdf 1.88MB [ .pdf ]
ACR 16 no. 9
acr-17-no.pdf 779.38KB [ .pdf ]
ACR 17 no. 10
acr-18-no.pdf 11.71MB [ .pdf ]
ACR 18 no. 11
acr-19-20-no.pdf 10.04MB [ .pdf ]
ACR 19-20 no. 12-13
acr-20-21-no.pdf 3.37MB [ .pdf ]
ACR 20-21 no. 14-15

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