International Conference: The intersection of antitrust, labor and human rights law: American and European perspectives
May 22-23, 2025, Faculty of Law, University of Bialystok
On the surface, the fields of antitrust, labor and human rights law operate on different planes. Antitrust law is connected to competition between businesses, labor law deals with working conditions and relations between employees and employers, and human rights law is often focused on upholding the civil and political rights of individuals. Yet, a deeper analysis reveals important areas of actual and potential intersection.
This conference intends to dive deeper into the confluences of these three areas of law. Instead of allowing their interactions to be ad hoc, practitioners, policy makers and academics need to anticipate and shape them in a way that advances the purposes of all three disciplines. The presentations at this conference will try to advance this goal by taking a comparative look at how antitrust, labor and human rights law actually and should intersect in the U.S. and EU legal systems.
Please find below the call for papers and application for for the conference.
Registration deadline is 15 March 2025
We are looking forward to seeing you in Bialystok!
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